The first thing to do is don't panic. In today's economy everyone is struggling. It's OK to miss a payment. 

The second thing to do is evaluate whether this was a one-time hiccup or if you're struggling every month to make that payment. Even if it missing the payment was a one time deal, there are still steps you can take and options open to you to better prepare yourself should you run into harder times.

Make sure to talk to your lender. They hate foreclosures almost as much as homeowners. In today's economy, homeowners have tremendous more leverage over lenders than in the past. Talk with your lender about options to reduce your rate.

Sometimes lender will be difficult. Taking that first step can be difficult. However, at Raleigh Real Estate Group, we have a team of professionals trained in how to deal with lenders and get results. Give us a call at (919) 772-1222, and we can talk with you about some options to help.

The most important thing to do in this situation is to act. It's always better to be prepared now for a situation they may never happen than to wait around while the situation deteriorates. If you want more information about how to stop the foreclosure process, check out our website, where you can get a free eBook and other information about foreclosures.


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